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Six Steps to Global Citizenship

Step 1 involves learners exploring their understanding, values and

attitudes towards global citizenship. It can be used as a baseline for

measuring and recording their responses, and activities can be

repeated throughout the steps.

Get asking questions!


Step 2 involves learners generating important issues affecting their

lives. It helps them to think about the issues in a local and global

context, and then choose one to take action on to improve the situation.


Get an issue!

Six Steps Approach

Six steps for Global Citizenship provides a structure for students to manage their own learning. It allows them to move from thinking about issues that are important to them, to planning and participating in action, and to reflect on their performance, and assess their work. The learning should promote a skills-based approach rather than a content-based approach.

Get more information!

Step 3 involves learners finding out more about their chosen issue.

It enables them to research the issue in-depth and investigate how it

affects people and environments locally and globally.



Get planning!

Step 4 involves learners deciding what action to take and how to

implement it. It supports them in considering the feasibility of their ideas,

and managing the practical implications.


Get active!

Step 5 involves learners taking action. It assists them in recording and

monitoring their progress.


Get thinking about it!


Step 6 involves learners reflecting on the Get Global! process.

It encourages them to consider what they have learnt and achieved,

and what they would do differently next time

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