Paulius Pakutinskas
A Short talk from Job Shadowing visit in Ghana
Have you ever thought how would you feel quickly going down and cutting air from a craggy mountain with the bike that has bamboo frame? Doesn’t it sound like putting your signature on an agreement of getting at the best case one or in a less lucky scenario more than two fractures?
It all started as a project from their NGO, then it became a company that gives jobs to 40 employees, all coming from the closest community. Their main focus is to empower local youngsters by giving them opportunities to learn new skills, earn money and shape socially responsible attitude towards consumption, renewable sources.
They build bamboo bicycles frames, one might say, but that’s just not all about it. They act as an alternative labor market, basing their production on local, sustainable resources and guaranteeing the rights and the well-being of their workers.
And they don’t stop being cool! They have an on-going project of the school – where two innovative models of teaching will be applied. K. Danso says that a vision of this school is to work more in an unconventional way, that is, to concentrate on getting more practical knowledge instead of surplus book-based theories. And for accomplishing that, they have prepared two integrated programs – family libraries and vocational researches.
And just for the record! Bamboo frames are super strong, some bamboo frame lovers already travelled from Germany to China!
Check their products on
#gloablab #jobshadowing #erasmusplus #Ghana #SDG
The booomers guys will prove you wrong! Another socially responsible idea that was born out of passion and need in Kumasi. “Ashanti region is quite grateful in the sense of getting bamboo, why not to use it” – points out K. Danso.